What makes Gathering Waters so special?

Guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf Education

Gathering Waters' curriculum is guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf Education and adapted for public use by the Alliance of Public Waldorf Education. This curriculum is modeled on the curriculum for grades 1 through 12 that is used in independent Waldorf schools throughout the world; in regard to subjects required, it accords with those curricula used in most public and private elementary and high schools throughout the U.S.

The Gathering Waters curriculum includes these core subjects for all grades: English language arts; mathematics; science; social studies/history; a foreign language; music; visual and performing arts; handwork and crafts; movement, games and physical education. It is a developmental approach: content and method of delivery are calibrated to meet the needs, interests, and capabilities of students at each developmental stage through the grade. The high school curriculum includes requirements for students to participate in service projects in the community and daily school jobs such as clean-up and recycling. Community and school service help students learn the values of meaningful work, self-sufficiency and responsibility to oneself and others.  

Gathering Waters takes this model of education even further to address issues that are important in today’s quickly changing world. Social justice, equity, diversity, individual and global responsibility and environmental sustainability are embedded in the content of the curriculum and in the affirmation of each member of the community.

The Gathering Waters curriculum is aligned with the Common Core State Standards, the NH College and Career Ready Standards and the NH core aligned Math, English/Language Arts, Science and Arts and Work-Study Competencies, although it differs in its implementation and timing. This is outlined in Part III of Public Waldorf Schools and the Common Core Standards, published by the Alliance for Public Waldorf Education.